Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Torinos Cheesecakes & Tortes

Thursday, May 15, 2008
On Wolves and Men

I found a great map of Idaho that shows where the wolves are hanging their hats. I'm out closest to the copper basin pack. I have heard them early in the morning while walking out there but, haven't seen any yet. http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/cms/wildlife/wolves/state/07_activity_map.pdf
A while back I wrote a post Called The lovers and Haters of Wolves. If you would like to read it you can at http://pennyrielly.blogspot.com/2008/04/Lover_and_haters_of_wolves.html/ The post was about a website called http://saveourelk.org/
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Many Splended Forms of Legal Business Ownership

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Starting Up A Small Business

So many great businesses have been started in the garages or kitchens of American Entrepreneurs. Hewlet-Packard developed their first computer in a garage. The same thing can be said about Google--although I understand there was a hot tub involved as well! What does a garage do to inspire so many entrepreneurs? Probably, just the large empty inexpensive space that can be filled with tables, boxes of wiring and junk and what ever. If you think you have the next greatest smoothie or cookie-- If you have a dream(usually it is more like an obsession) of starting your own business there are a few simple steps that you can take to get started.
- Write up a business plan detailing your venture, use this as a road map of how to go from start to success. It can be a simple plan of what you think you will need to get started and become competitive or it can be formal and detailed. You will also need a formal business plan if you think you will need financing.
- Check with your state to file an application for a business license.
- If you live in a state that has state income tax you will need to apply for an employee identification number (EIN).
- If you have any employees so far, then contact your state Department of Labor and file with them as well.
- Also you will need to find out if the name you have picked out for your business is already being used or a similar name is being used so that you don't get into trouble with trade mark infringement. You can do this through your Secretary of State Department.
- If you plan on making any food products you will need to check with your city's Department of Health for a food handling licence and find a commercial kitchen to work out of. You can look for a commercial kitchen through your Small Business Administration, Business Incubation Centers, and even your Parks Department.
- You can develop your recipes and ideas in your own kitchen--just go formal with a food handling licence when you plan to sell your food items.
As you plan your business keep in mind that it can take many months and in some cases years to make your dream into a profitable business. Make sure that you have a stream of income during that time while you are working on your new business. Also perseverance, hard work and believing in yourself and your idea are the keys to making it a reality. Never give up!