Tuesday, December 30, 2008
End of Year Retail Sales--Shop, Baby Shop!
Reuter's News is reporting that retail sales for the holiday season were the worse since 1970!
It's not just in the United States, European retailers are struggling as well. Britain retailers are reporting discounts as deep as 90% to attract shoppers.
The deepest discounts right now can be found in apparel and electronics.
Elle: "It's impossible to use a half-loop stitching on low-viscosity rayon. It would snag the fabric. And you didn't just get it in - I saw it in the June Vogue a year ago. So if you're trying to sell it to me for full price, you've picked the wrong girl."
Legally Blond
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Money Behind Reality Shows

These shows provide a strong rating and bring in gob's of money from advertisers. Coupled with the fact that those participating on the show don't require the same amount of pay as regular actors and actresses and producing the shows are relatively cheap, it makes for a profitable formula.
In an MSNBC article The Cost Of Going On A Realty Show states that, "Some shows, particularly those without game elements, offer stipends to compensate their cast members. "Real World" roommates are paid small stipends for their "story rights"; the exact total isn't disclosed, but executive producer Jonathan Murray told USA TODAY, "I used to say it was enough to buy a used car. Now it's probably not quite as big a used car."One thing's clear, though: You should want to be on a reality series for the experience, because participation in a series definitely does not come with a guarantee of fame and fortune. "
If you have ever thought of trying out for a reality show they have casting calls for so many reality programs. Here's a link for a listing:
I perused through the pages and picked my favorites.
- T.V. Made Me Do It: Are you a TV-inspired wild animal or reptile trainer? Now Casting. Were you inspired by a show on Discovery Channel, Animal Planet or National Geographic to work with venomous snakes, wild bears,… (no liability there!)
- Wife Swap Casting Beautiful Families:Do you have a family full of models? Is looking good the top priority in your family? Are designer clothes a must? If you answered yes - then I want you! The premise of Wife Swap is that one…Start: 09/23/2008 End: 01/29/2009
- I Survived a Japanese Game show: Think you have what it takes to compete and win in TOKYO on ABC's hit show "I Survived a Japanese Game show"?? Do you have the drive and craze to become the next Majide Champion and win $250,000??…Start: 12/01/2008 End: 01/25/2009
- Producers of SUPERNANNY looking for rebellious Teens for New Show!:Must be 18 or older. The producers of SUPERNANNY and U.S. cable hits It’s Me Or The Dog (Animal Planet) are now searching for rebellious teenagers for a brand new series from the United Kingdom. …Start: 12/15/2008 End: 02/27/2009 (I have several volunteer teen boys that would like to up against the SUPPERNANNY!)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Ponzi Schemes and Other Scams

- Be careful about who you invest your money with. make sure that the investment firm has a long established track record that you can trust.
- Don't invest in any type of investment that you full don't understand! Don't rely on others to explain what the investment is about.
Multilevel Marketing and Pyramid Scams
The scam artist will try to gain your trust. He might be a friendly widower. Then all of a sudden he will start pressuring you into some business deal where you would invest $1,500 dollars and you could make loads of money in return. He might even have some glossy pamphlets that look professional. This happened with my mom one day. The conversation went like this:
Con man: "If you invest $1,500 you could make thousands in return! just get other investors enrolled in the program and they will pay you back and thousands besides."
My mom: "Isn't this just a pyramid scheme?"
"Oh no--that would be illegal. Just invest $1,000."
"I'm not giving you a $1,000!"
"Just five hundred then...you can write me a check."
So then, to get rid of the guy, my mom says,"My daughter Penny handles all of my business and finances." So she gives him my name, phone number and address! So, I have that to look foreword to--a call or visit from Ralph--you would think that being a con-man and all he would change his name to Alfonse or Jonathon or something wholly more attractive and affluent sounding. I am looking foreword to it...almost salivating at the thought...oh yeah...it's on Ralph!, it's on like Donkey Kong!
Multi level marketing is in many business opportunities a legitimate form of selling products. The difference between a legitimate multi level marketing business and that of a pyramid scam is easy to spot.
- The legitimate multi level marketing company places an emphasis on selling a product
- pyramid scams places an emphasis on recruiting people or asking for investments
- In some cases like gifting clubs they will ask for donations where you in turn will recruit people below you to ask for donations or investments. The gifting clubs will sometimes use religious "feel good" terms or names like Renewal Celebrations or Jacobs ladder and might come as a special invitation from a church member.
A pyramid scheme is set up so that there is a hierarchy where people are recruited below those who have been previously recruited. Those who have been recruited make payments to the people above them in the hope of making their money back by recruiting others and gaining payment from them. In pyramids, most of the sales are made to the recruits and not the general public. The nutritional supplements or what ever they have going only serves as way to make the scheme look legitimate.
How do you avoid being scammed?
- Never feel pressured into joining a multi level marketing group.
- Never feel pressured into signing or investing in something that you aren't sure of.
- Take the time to investigate any business opportunity.
Check the business out on the Better Business Bureau website at http://welcome.bbb.org/ - Never make investments at the swap meet!
- Always keep in mind, that it's a felony in the United States to participate in a pyramid scheme and is punishable by fines and time in jail. People participating in the scam are viewed as engaging in illegal activities rather than being a victim.
Resources: FBI and The Better Business Bureau
Monday, December 15, 2008
Text Messaging Hot or Not?

Right now Five-O is having a sale for the Holiday Season where all of last years snowboarding clothing is 40% off! Sweet deal! I just picked up a new Volcom Jacket that I love! They also carry a good selection of snowboards and equipment.
The response rate for text advertisement is at about 6% to 8% verses 2% using traditional means. This form of advertising effectively reaches the %1 base that you're after rather than chasing the 99% that won't actually care about it.
The way it works is that a customer sends a text message or enters a number in their cell and that cell phone number is added to a database. A restaurant or bar can make an immediate decision about that nights special or say they want to promote a band that will be playing that night and the advertisement is sent to every one on the database list. A cell phone user can opt out of the system if they wish by sending in a text request .
Web based coupons is another "hot" trend where a customer using a smart phone or computer can look up coupons for whatever product or service and the customer can then download it to his or her cell and present that coupon to the vendor.
Another "hot trend" in text advertising is the QR code. The QR code or Quick Response code created by the Japanese corporation Denso-Wave is a matrix code like the bar code that you're familiar with but, it holds a hundred times more data on 1/10 of the space. A cell phone user can take a picture of the QR code with a picture phone on an advertisement, business card or whatever and the equipped cell phone will interpret the data embedded in that code hyperlinking it for promotions or information. This is pretty "hot" in Japan right now but, hasn't made it's way to the U.S. yet. I'm sure it will eventually.
"Why do you love me? Why do you need me? Always and forever...we met in a chat room, now our love can fully bloom....sure the world wide web is great but, you make me salivate...I love technology but, not as much as you you see... I still love technology....Always and forever...."
from the movie Napolean Dynomite.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Which Countries Will Choke and Which will Come out Smelling Like A Rose

Thursday, October 30, 2008
How Long will It Take Your Investments to Recover?
How long does it take to see some return to normalcy? In an average bear market you should see about a 25 to 30% rise in the Dow Jones with in the first year after the bottom hits. In normal market conditions it can take up to four years to reach the high that was once enjoyed.
This Bear market has been different than those in the past. The rapid dissemination of information has caused information and rumors to get to investors at a much more rapid pace than in the past causing more volatile swings in the markets.
At least this week I haven't had to reach for a paper sack!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
"Magic 8Ball Will The Stock Market Rebound Soon...."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Keeping your home from foreclosure
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The Treasury and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. are working with the Federal Reserve and Fannie Mae to prevent millions of home foreclosures, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Tuesday in an exclusive interview on "Charlie Rose" on PBS airing Tuesday night, according to a transcript of the interview. Paulson said the Treasury is readying plans to buy troubled mortgage assets from banks and other investors. "There is clearly more that can be done, needs to be done," he said. "We are looking in the millions. And we need to do everything we can to minimize that," Paulson said. The actions by the FDIC to guarantee bank debts are already working, he said. "The credit freeze is beginning to melt."
- Take a good look at your expenses and see what areas you can cut back on and if there are expenses you can cut out all together--even if it's just for a few months to get you through.
- Make your house payment the most important payment. Pay that every month before every thing else.If you feel that you are getting into trouble and delinquency notices are coming in the mail, contact your lender immediately and see if you can work something out.
Don't feel like you have to take care of the problem by yourself or that the situation is hopeless. Your lender does not want to foreclose on your home, it will cost them too much money to do that. They would rather find an option that works out for both of you. Here are some options that you have:
- The insurer can pay the amount that you are behind on in exchange for a promissory note from you and you pay him back over time.
Ask to have the loan changed to reduce the interest rate or extend the term of the loan and add the missed payments to the existing balance. - Pay the entire amount that is over due.
Convert an adjustable rate mortgage to a fixed rate mortgage. - Forbearance agreements --payments are temporarily delayed.
The FHA Secure Plan--If you are delinquent because of an interest rate reset you can refinance into an FHA-insured mortgage through The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) To check out information on the FHA refinancing guidelines:
Also be aware that there are foreclosure scams that are manifesting themselves like greedy specters. The most common ones are people offering to help you negotiate with your lender for a huge amount of money or they offer to make your payments and you can stay in your house until you can buy the home back from them. What you don't realise is that they are taking possession of your home with the equity that you have in it and sure you get to stay in your home but, your paying rent now! The scam artist owns your home and the equity. Don't feel pressured into signing any agreements without a lawyer looking it over. There are legitimate housing councilors that will help you.You can contact a councilor at the Department of Housing and Urban Development :http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/hcc/hcs.cfmAs always, check out a company for complaints before you do business with them at The Better Business Business Bureau at:http://www.bbb.org/
Monday, October 13, 2008
The FDIC will insure up to $100,000 for checking accounts, savings accounts, certificates of deposits and IRA retirement accounts at Federally insured institutions.
The FDIC does not insure mutual funds, annuities, stocks, bonds, life insurance policies or the contents of safe deposit boxes.
The Securities Investor Protection Corporation does insure and replaces missing stocks of up to $500,000 if a bank fails.
Treasury bills, notes, and bonds are still safely owned by the investor. The holder can request a document showing ownership from the bank acquiring the failed bank or from the FDIC if the failed bank is not acquired by another institution. You can then take this proof of ownership to the nearest Federal Reserve Bank to redeem your T-bill.
The contents of your safe deposit box are not insured by the FDIC. If you are concerned about theft or fire you can obtain insurance through your home owners insurance. If your bank does fail the bank acquiring your bank will take over the offices and safety deposit boxes. If there is no acquiring bank ,the FDIC will notify safe deposit box owners to come pick up the contents of their boxes.
Credit Unions are insured by the National Credit Union Administration for deposits of up to $100,000 at Federally insured institutions.
If you would like to make sure that your bank or savings institution is Federally insured you can do so at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Bank Find- http://www2.fdic.gov/idasp/main
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Should You Buy Back Into the Market?

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Checking Your Risk Aversion While Investing
I love those investment commercials with the baby making the trades. I first watched one of those ads during the Super Bowl with the baby making trades and saving his money to buy a clown and then he goes,"but, I underestimated the creepiness factor!"
When you first start out creating a new investment portfolio some good questions to ask your self aren't what's happening in the markets today and where is the next big move coming from? Don't get me wrong, these are always questions that are on my mind,especially lately, but when first starting off you need to take a good hard look at who you are as an investor. You need to determine:
- How risk averse you are--or how much risk are you willing or can you comfortably take on?
- Asset allocation
- Your age
- Other factors such as family obligations and your personal circumstances and goals.
Investors have different tolerance levels when it comes to risk. Some are Vegas gambling churners, who like to get in and get out buying low and selling high with out a care in the world as to market corrections or severe tumbles. Other Investors just want to hold on to their money and play it safe. Other factors should be evaluated in determining how risk averse you are or in many cases should be: your age is a factor and which stage of life that you are in--if you lost a great deal of money in a correction how would that affect you and your family? If you have children, that should be a factor.
Taking your age into consideration is important. If you are young--in your early twenties or thirties with out a family you can afford to take on more risk because you will have the ability to earn the money back over your lifetime if you experience a severe market down turn (make sure that you keep a cash stash for emergencies as well.) If you are on the other side of the coin and retirement is in the not too distant future, you will need to manage your portfolio to avoid risk and move into tax savings and income earning investments.
It could also be a goal trying to safe money for college expenses. If you are trying to save money for college and your children are getting closer to the age where they will be going, you will need to place the money in safe investments like long term CDs or Treasury bonds,that sort of thing.
If you feel that you have a great deal of risk aversion but, you would like to get a more of a return on your investment than what your savings account at the bank has to offer, check out CDs, Treasuries bonds, and Municipal bonds. With Municipal bonds check to make sure that they have aaa rating. Use a mix of 30% stocks, 60% bonds and 10% cash
If you are a conservative investor but, you would like to see growth use a mix of 60% stocks, 30%bonds, and 10% cash.
If you are an aggressive risk taker use a mix of 60% stocks, and 40% bonds
If you would like to take your age into consideration a general rule of thumb is that you take 100-your age and that's the percentage of stocks you should keep, with the rest divided among cash and bonds.
If you don't have an investment broker picked out be careful about who you choose. It's your money and you want keep it safe--you don't want to run into problems down the road. Personally I like to invest with investment companies that have a proven track record of excellent customer care and investment management. I was conducting some investment research in the Library and I came across this one statement that with one of the new online companies, that their investors were fleeing in mass! I probably shouldn't tell you this because that baby is going to come after me in the middle of the night like the Seed of Chucky from those Child's Play horror movies!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
How To Make It Through The Financial Crises

Do you remember back in January when there was a huge problem with sub prime mortgages and things seemed to be falling apart then? Well guess what? They have! To some extent, that is.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Are You Throwing a Clone of Bessie On The Barbie?

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Dollar Cost Averaging---Is It A Good Idea?

Monday, June 16, 2008
The Merger of XM and Sirius Radio

- Turning over 24 channels to non-commercial and minority programming
- "Open radio" standard to create competition among satellite radio manufacturers
- A three year price freeze on services for consumers and an "a la cart menu" system to choose from.
The merger was approved by the Justice department in March and has had an expensive and intense war leveled against it from the National Association of Broadcasters, land based radio groups, and consumer groups who fear a monopoly.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Torinos Cheesecakes & Tortes

Thursday, May 15, 2008
On Wolves and Men

I found a great map of Idaho that shows where the wolves are hanging their hats. I'm out closest to the copper basin pack. I have heard them early in the morning while walking out there but, haven't seen any yet. http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/cms/wildlife/wolves/state/07_activity_map.pdf
A while back I wrote a post Called The lovers and Haters of Wolves. If you would like to read it you can at http://pennyrielly.blogspot.com/2008/04/Lover_and_haters_of_wolves.html/ The post was about a website called http://saveourelk.org/
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Many Splended Forms of Legal Business Ownership

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Starting Up A Small Business

So many great businesses have been started in the garages or kitchens of American Entrepreneurs. Hewlet-Packard developed their first computer in a garage. The same thing can be said about Google--although I understand there was a hot tub involved as well! What does a garage do to inspire so many entrepreneurs? Probably, just the large empty inexpensive space that can be filled with tables, boxes of wiring and junk and what ever. If you think you have the next greatest smoothie or cookie-- If you have a dream(usually it is more like an obsession) of starting your own business there are a few simple steps that you can take to get started.
- Write up a business plan detailing your venture, use this as a road map of how to go from start to success. It can be a simple plan of what you think you will need to get started and become competitive or it can be formal and detailed. You will also need a formal business plan if you think you will need financing.
- Check with your state to file an application for a business license.
- If you live in a state that has state income tax you will need to apply for an employee identification number (EIN).
- If you have any employees so far, then contact your state Department of Labor and file with them as well.
- Also you will need to find out if the name you have picked out for your business is already being used or a similar name is being used so that you don't get into trouble with trade mark infringement. You can do this through your Secretary of State Department.
- If you plan on making any food products you will need to check with your city's Department of Health for a food handling licence and find a commercial kitchen to work out of. You can look for a commercial kitchen through your Small Business Administration, Business Incubation Centers, and even your Parks Department.
- You can develop your recipes and ideas in your own kitchen--just go formal with a food handling licence when you plan to sell your food items.
As you plan your business keep in mind that it can take many months and in some cases years to make your dream into a profitable business. Make sure that you have a stream of income during that time while you are working on your new business. Also perseverance, hard work and believing in yourself and your idea are the keys to making it a reality. Never give up!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Should You Buy A Home Or Should You Keep On Renting?

- A security deposit
- Utilities
- Monthly rent.
The cash inflows would be:
- The deposit returned when you leave
- Any monthly savings in the difference of a lower rent payment verses a home payment.
- The down payment on the house
- Points, closing costs
- Mortgage payment
- Property taxes
- Insurance
- Home maintenance costs
- Utilities
- If the house eventually sells for less than the purchase price.
The cash inflows :
- Tax deductions for interest, points, and property taxes
- Any rental income from the home
- The appreciated value if the home sells for more than the purchase price.
Also consider the length of time that you plan to stay in the area. If you plan to stay for many years then buying a home might have an advantage--a fixed rate monthly mortgage payment will stay pretty much the same over the course of time that you spend there where your rent payment will increase to keep up with the rising rate of inflation and the supply and demand of apartments or rentals.
If you plan to stay a short period of time then renting might be a better option because of the cost of the down payment,points and fees associated with buying the home.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Stretching Your Retirement Buck--The Reverse Mortgage

Monday, April 7, 2008
The Home Equity Line of Credit

- Because it is a secured loan interest rates are lower than other forms of consumer credit
- The interest paid on a home equity line of credit is tax deductible.
- No repayment obligation exists until funds from the home equity line of credit have been accessed.
The drawback of using the equity of your home to secure a home equity line of credit or a second mortgage is that if you can't repay the loan you will be forced to sell your home to pay the debt. In some areas where home values have dropped you could find yourself owing more then the home is worth. If you wind up in this situation the home will be sold and the original home lender will be paid off but the remaining balance of your home equity loan will still be owed by you.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The lovers and Haters of Wolves.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Multi Level Marketing Opportunities and Pyramid Schemes.

- Never feel pressured into joining a multi level marketing group.
- Never feel pressured into signing or investing in something that you aren't sure of.
- Take the time to investigate any business opportunity.
- Check the business out on the Better Business Bureau website at http://welcome.bbb.org/
- Never make investments at the swap meet!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Satellite Radio as an Investment

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Hostile Takeover Attempts "I'm Going to Disneyland!"

- Pac-Man: This is where the targeted company turns around and attacks the company by buying up it's shares in an attempt to take control of the attacking company.
- The White knight: At the request of the company being targeted for takeover another company can come in and buy up shares at a higher value than the aquisition company coming to the rescue of the target company.
- Poison Pill: The target can issue stock to it's investors (except the aquiring firm) at a discount so that there are more shares that are out there for the aquiring firm to have to purchase making the buyout more expensive.
- Golden Parachute: This is a provision where the aquiring firm will have to pay the management of the target company large sums of money if a takeover happens.
- Suicide Pill: The target company will ruin the company rather than let it be bought out.
At the end of the day The Bass Brother from Texas came in to Disney and bought a controling interest saving Disney from a hostile takeover. The new management team of Micheal Eisner, Jeffery Katzenberg, and Frank Wells was introduced. Over the following years the company was revitalized with the new leadership and vision.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Should You Invest In a Franchise?

A franchise will typically offer the prospective franchisee:
- An established business name, trademark, customer recognition
- Business support (business plans, help with location, training)
- Help with financing
- Proven track record
- Product
The downside of opening a franchise over an independent small business:
- Monthly franchise fees of around 6% to 10% of gross sales
- Loss of freedom in product or services
- Reliance on the performance of other franchisees in the system.
- The franchise can terminate your agreement at the end of your contract term.
- You are leasing the trademark name you do not own it.
If you are considering investing in a franchise:
- Evaluate the amount of money you have to invest in the venture.
- Go to Franchise trade shows and talk to the various franchisors and determine what kind of work you would like to do.
- Have the franchisor back up any financial claims with tangible written documentation. The Federal Trade Commision requires all franchisors to provide prospective franchisees with a complete disclosure statement so that the franchisee can make an informed decision.
- Look at franchises that have been in existence for a long period of time--they have a higher rate of success and profitability.
- Talk to other franchisees in the franchise system to find out what you can expect in terms of operation and profit.
- Look at the annual sales and make sure they are increasing and not declining. Do the same with net profit.
- Don't rush into anything. If you feel pressured --walk away.
Check any prospective franchise opportunity for complaints with the Better Business Bureau at
If you would like any further information to evaluate if a franchise is right for you, The Small Business Administration is an excellent place to start. They have great resources and people trained in helping you to start up a small business including financing options and research materials.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Roaming Wolves

The snow is up to my thighs now and it's getting hard to go out and feed my horse. A herd of deer have been coming into the yard at night and eating my pine trees and sharing with my mare from her manger. It is unbelievably cold here! It was -16f when I took my son to school this morning. He has been home from school for over a week now because of the bitter cold and snow. I am waiting for the school to call and cancel again today and have me go pick him up. I home school my youngest son so, he never gets snow days. I pulled him out of his elementary school about a year ago and I will probably home school him for another year. Yesterday most of the roads were closed around Idaho because of unsafe driving conditions and we just hung out and played Rock Band and watched DVDs. I am good at drums and singing but, I get kicked off stage if I try to play guitar.
Our friend Zane called. I have known him since he was five and we have seen each other through some hard times. He has a good heart. My son has two friends that I love and adore. One has moved away to go and live with his dad. I don't get to see him too much any more and I miss him terribly. It broke my heart completely when he moved. It's hard to feel that he has moved on and has another life without me being a big part of it. I don't know, I think that you love and become attached to people but, I always seem to lose those that I love the most in life.
Zane comes from a ranching family in the area and even though he is young, he works at his ranch and has many of the responsibilities of an adult. He does this and juggles basketball and school as well. He has the most beautiful mare named Peyton--after his favorite quarterback. She's a brown and white Paint with blue eyes. He bought her as a yearling and he and his dad broke her( I don't think that's the right term anymore, it would be more like "gentled" her to ride.) He loves working out there on the ranch with his dad and always mentions it. I think it would be a great life if you didn't have to go out in sub-zero weather to work. He said that he has a new calf he is nursing. The mother abandoned it and he is taking care of it.
We talked about a report of wolves in the area and debated about whether they were actually out there. There is supposedly two wolves running together behind my house. His ranch runs behind our property through the woods and along the river. The ranchers are calving right now so they don't want wolves roaming in the area. Neither of us have heard any wolves at night so, he thinks they are just coyotes.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Take Control of Your Financial Life! Create a Budget.

The single best way to take control of your financial life is to create a budget.
- Creating a budget helps you to see exactly where your sources of income are coming from and where your money is being spent.
- With a budget you will be able to see where expenses can be reduced to help you save money.
- With a good budget you will be able to plan and make decisions about future expenditures and achieve financial goals.
To create a budget, gather data on your income and expenses. Three months of data is a good place to start. You can get the data from your checkbook register or online bank statements.
- Start with a list of monthly income using the data collected for three months. You can then project your income for the rest of the year. Your income should be about the same for the upcoming months--adjust it if there are any changes.
- list income from salary and wages, interest, dividends, self-empoyment income, and any other fixed income such as alimony.
- Calculate a monthly total for all income.
After you have computed your total monthly income you can calculate your monthly expenses:
- List your fixed expenses that must be paid every month first like house payment or rent, taxes, insurance, car payment, credit card and debt payments.
- List your variable expenses like groceries, utilities, clothing, entertainment, any upcoming vacations, and savings.
- Project your expenses by adding up the first three months of say--groceries and divide by the number of months (3) to get an average.
- Use this average as your projected grocery amount for the upcoming months.
- Do this with all of your variable expenses.
- Include any upcoming major expenses that you know of like vacations and insurance payments.
- Calculate a monthly total for all of your expenses.Subtract your total monthly expenses from your total monthly income to get your net income.
- Try to keep your budget simple.
- Round off dollar amounts to a whole number.
- Look at your variable expenses to see if there are some expenses that you can cut back on and put into savings.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Where Should I Put My Money Now? Investing In A Rotting Stock Market.
Even if the economy slips into a recession or slows to a crawl, there are certain industries that statistically have proven themselves to weather the storm. Don't think about the profits that were made yesterday or last year, look forward and long term. The economy for the year 2008 is expected to slow down considerably but, it will also will also come back in 2009. As the economy shifts you can expect the stock market to precede this slow down by one to three months. By the middle of Summer you should see the stock market rebounding as investors anticipate a better economy.
Historically there are investment areas that do well in a bear market. If you are concerned about the economy and your portfolio, here are the best industries to invest in right now that are the least vulnerable to a slow economy. Think Basic needs like retail food, tobacco, soft drink manufacturers, cosmetics, utilities, pharmaceuticals.
Also Consider investing in companies that are doing business with China and India. China and India still have the hottest economies on the planet and their growth is expected to continue at a very lively pace. GE and IBM have both brought in decent profits with their collaborations with Chinese businesses. Also software should do well this year.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Idaho Snowboarding: Maverick Snowboarding in Mackay, Idaho

Mackay, Idaho is an unpretentious little town nestled in the peaceful valley of the Lost River. The town was founded by ranching, agriculture and mining. The town has successfully preserved it's western image and is home to the "Wildest Rodeo" in Idaho. It's not uncommon to find a cattle drive going on while you are in town. It is also home to many deer, elk, moose, wolves, bears and cougars. In Mackay you won't find any upscale resorts or shops here but, you will find a wild untamed setting perfect for maverick snowboarding and the perfect starting point for unlimited and uncrowded snowmobiling and cross country skiing.
Mackay is located about an hour and a half drive from either Pocatello or Idaho Falls, ID. After the snow falls and winter settles in, the town of Mackay regularly plows the road that winds up into the mountain behind the town. About three miles above the town is an abandoned mine with buildings still standing from a century ago and a few mine shafts as well. Drive about two miles up the road and there is a small parking space. From here you can find many good maverick snowboarding spots, snowboard down the hill or start your snowmobiling adventure!
Off of Highway 93 at the Burnt Lemon turn left and drive through the main street towards the mountain. This road takes you up into the wilderness behind Mackay.
The people of Mackay are always happy to have you here and while you are in Mackay, stop into the Burnt Lemon or Ken's club for authentic western hospitality and great food!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Starting an online business: The Goddess of floating deserts
The first photo shoot didn't go very well. She had someone take pictures of her standing over a table with her deserts arranged and decorated beautifully on a table with her posing in the back of it with her hands stretched out like, "here are my deserts--help yourself". She looked great, her deserts looked great,the trouble was that in the photos you can see the corner of where the walls of the room join. I asked her if she could shoot another roll of film and put them on a CD for me to get rid of the glaring wall problem. So she took a pair of scissors and cut out the picture of herself--the same one with her arms outstreched--and the deserts and took it in and had a new picture created eliminating the wall corner dilemma. The only problem now is that she also eliminated the table and the bottom half of her torso! So now she looks like the Goddess of floating deserts!
I'm sure that we will get it right eventually.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Idaho ranch life in winter
The ranchers walked into the barn wearing chaps and warm clothing and brought three teams of black and white draft horses out and hitched them to two sleighs and a wagon. They loaded massive bales of hay on to the sleighs and we jumped on top of them and rode the horse drawn sleighs out to where the cows were in a herd out on the range. We passed by a small river and the rancher had placed wheat flour out to feed the wild turkeys to help them through the winter and we saw many ducks and an Osprey fishing out of the river. Elk and deer herds also make this ranch their home.
The land on this ranch has remained the same for over a hundred years. Here you won't find the urban sprawl of housing tracks and discount stores just the quite peaceful symbiotic preservation of the ranching way of life and the wild life that make this area their home.