While doing some research this morning, I came across a Reuters article about cloned meat and dairy products coming to a store shelf near you! I am a huge beef eater. My favorite foods are Barbied steak (not to be confused with Barbie dolls) and prime rib. I love a T-bone steak that's about an inch thick marinated in red wine and garlic. Would I eat it if it were a cloned animal? eeeeew--don't think so. I know intellectually that a cloned animal is probably no different than a traditionally raised animal and the Food and Drug Administration is saying that cloned animals are just as safe and they have even approved the clones for sale. How do they know that it's safe? They reviewed available scientific reports. Cloned cattle, pork, and goats all got the executioners green light to be sold in the meat and dairy section. For me it's the Frankenstein image---that and the memory of mad cow disease (not that it's related-- I just have a wee bit of a trust issue there.)
It will be a while before they sell Bessie1 and Bessie2 because of the costly nature of cloning and weeding out the extra legs that are produced (just kidding).
60% of people surveyed have said that would not eat cloned meat because of religious, ethical or squeamish reasons and many food manufacturers such as Kraft and Tyson have said that won't use cloned meat or dairy in their products not because of health concerns but, because of the public perception and non-acceptance of the practice.
I wonder if they will try to clone and pass of a race horse? I think that the Jockey Club would have an issue with that!
The cattle in the picture are Idaho free range cattle and not cloned.
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